
Telugu Dengudu Kathalu Caru loo..!

To that end, businesses could do well to rethink their practices.

Pop ups and rollovers have fast become pariahs on the desktop web, so why shouldn’t they be on mobile? They harm the reading experience and often slow things to a crawl.

Yes, you could say users should then start paying for services if they don’t want ads.

But at the same time, surely it’s down to advertisers to come up with creative solutions to the problem. It’s what they’re good at, after all.

This latest iOS 9 feature plays into a wider narrative coming from Apple. It appears to be pushing hard to put users and consumers first.

For evidence, witness its big push for improved privacy, with no data mining for third parties via the newly updated Siri.

Apple seems to have finally got the fact that consumers don’t like being exposed in this way and it’s doing something about it.

iOS 9 may not offer the visual change that iOS 7 did. But its wide–ranging changes are set to make the iPhone even better than before